Ghost IP | Network Forensics | Wireshark | H7CTF 2024
Ghost IP
Someone is trying to scan my server in my local network.I can’t seem to figure out which is Attacker’s real IP address. Will you be my investigator to find the culprit.
The task is to find the attacker's real IP address.
We are given a pcap file. Let's open it with wireshark tool.
There are multiple IPs with lot of fragmented packets.To find the real IP , we must check to which IP address the victim is responding.
Filter for that is: ip.src ==
There are 2 IPs to which the victim IP has responded. One is which is the victim itself and which is the attacker's real IP address.
Flag is H7CTF{}
You could check out the official writeup of Boot2Root challenges here: Boot2Root
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